The biggest issue many language learners face is consistency and perseverance, especially when they have to deal with all the other busy aspects of life. I created a short video with some tips to help you stay focused when you're studying a language, or studying in general. These tips or strategies personally helped me focus on learning a language.
Personal Story: My Own Struggle
Back in Summer 2020, the height of Covid-19, I was stuck indoors in my house like most of us were. I had plans to travel that summer, but of course, I had to cancel my plans due to the pandemic. As a result, I decided to start self-studying Korean, as it had been on my to-do list for the longest time.
The beginning was easy. I was starting something new and something excited, so I was extremely motivated to spend all my free time on studying Korean. However, I eventually hit a wall. I was getting tired of spending hours on end staring at a textbook and cramming vocabulary or grammar into my already full brain. That was when I realized I needed a plan, a strategy, to stay focused.
I broke down my studying into parts by splitting each chapter over a week to decrease the amount of information I was trying to cram into my head in one day. I also set a fixed study time every day at 3pm. This meant that every time 3pm came around, it was time to study. Of course, on some days, I would have to run errands around that time, but I had a workaround this. I would study earlier in the day or later in the day, depending on what I had going on. I decreased my study times as well, if I was feeling more stressed or frustrated on a particular day. I persevered and did my best to fulfill my goal of doing something related to the Korean language daily. I also decided to log my study accomplishments every day. I would take a picture of my notebook and list out what I studied that day in an Instagram story post. I added these stories to my Instagram highlight, so I could reflect and go back to see how far I had come since I first started. Eventually, I made it to a 100-day streak of studying Korean.
I felt so proud of myself after accomplishing my goal of studying Korean for 100 days straight.
I hope that my experience can motivate and guide you to reach your goal of learning a language. Good luck!